We care about you
You need an implant. That’s what your surgeon told you. Something will be put into your body that is meant to reconstruct or augment your skeletal tissues.
Obviously, you want the best possible implant. One that perfectly reconstructs your defect and/or is aesthetically correct. After all, it will stay with you for the rest of your life.
However, standard implants come in a range of sizes, but none is tailor-made for you. On the contrary, to be able to implant an off-the-shelve implant, surgeons often need to adapt your bones to accommodate the implant.
It’s like buying a pair of jeans that is slightly too small and then having to loose weight to fit in them. Or worse; having to surgically shorten your legs to fit the length of the jeans. Crazy, right?!
This may strike you as a strange comparison, but that’s what happens when you get a standard implant; your bones are sawn and cut to make the standard implant fit.
At Xilloc, we believe that an implant should be matched to a person and not the other way around.
Therefore, we create Patient Specific Implants (PSI’s); a uniquely shaped implant for every unique patient.
To do this, we use medical imaging data (e.g. a Computer Tomography (CT) or Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT)) and we make a 3D model of your bones on our computer. Starting from your bones, we make our design for your implant. This happens in close collaboration with your surgeon. When the design is ready, we produce your implant in a material that is most suitable for that kind of implant. The implant figuratively bears your name!
The fact that the implant is made exactly for you, also means that it is plug-and-play for your surgeon, hence significantly reducing the operation time. And the shorter the operation, the faster you recover from it.
Check out the PSI Benefits page for even more benefits of a custom implant.
If you want a custom implant for you (or a loved one), go to the How to get? page.