Xilloc Medical - Mandibular Reconstruction Implant
Patient Specific Mandibular Reconstruction
Xilloc Medical - MedX Easy Online Ordering
MedX: Easy Online Ordering Platform
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
Minimal Invasive Orbital Floor Implants
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
Custom is our Standard
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
One stage tumor resection and reconstruction
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
Jaw-dropping 3D printing technology
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
XSuture for Easy Soft Tissue Attachment
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
Marc Jacob Before and After
Xilloc Medical - Orbital Floor
InterFix: Place, Drill, Fixate
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Hassle-free surgery, with Plug & Play implants tailor-made for every unique patient

Implants specifically made for you: functionally and aesthetically superior

Patient specific implants and anatomical models for prepared, flawless surgeries

It is the eventful life story of …

Our design engineer Thijs …

We are pleased to inform …

Recently our new Xilloc-TMJ-G made …

The world doesn’t stop after diagnosis of a meningioma …

“The highest quality in patient specific implants”
Prof. Dr. Poukens